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Dynamic Build

We at the Armada Alliance actively build the required software packages needed to run a Cardano stake pool node on ARM-based computers like the Raspberry Pi or Apple's MacMini M1.


To use our dynamic arm64 cardano-node build you must have libsodium installed.


Current Official Cardano Node Version: 1.34.1

Overview :notepad_spiral:

  • Check if libsodium is installed on the local machine
    • Build libsodium if not installed already
  • Download Cardano Node Dynamic build & configuration file
  • Extract the file's content
  • Check if you already have Cardano Node service running
    • Safely shutdown your Cardano node if it is running
  • Replace the old binaries with the new cardano-node and cardano-cli
  • Check cardano-node and cli version is updated to the current version
  • Replace old configuration files with new ones (if needed)
  • Restart your Cardano Node
  • Check that node has started properly

Building Libsodium

Check if libsodium is already installed first.

>_ Terminal
which libsodium

If this returns no output you need to install libsodium.

Instructions to install libsodium

Create a working directory for your builds:

>_ Terminal
mkdir -p ~/src
cd ~/src

Download and install libsodium:

>_ Terminal
git clone
>_ Terminal
cd libsodium
git checkout 66f017f1
>_ Terminal
>_ Terminal
>_ Terminal
sudo make install

Add the following to your .bashrc file and source it:

>_ Terminal
echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"" >> ~/.bashrc

echo "export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"" >> ~/.bashrc

source ~/.bashrc

For those who run cardano-node as a systemd service, run the following:

sudo ldconfig

This ensures the system is aware of libsodium (not just at the user level).

Download the cardano-node & cli

Dynamic binaries and Cardano node configuration files provided by SRN pool 🙏 at our Github repository.

>_ Terminal
wget -O

Extract the content from the zip file.

>_ Terminal

Check if cardano-node is running already


Now we need to make sure we do not have a cardano-node already running. If we do we must shut it down before proceeding.

You can check if you have a cardano-node process already running a few ways like usinghtop or by checking your systemd service.

If you have been following our Pi-Node guide you can check your cardano-node status and stop it using the following commands.

>_ Terminal
cardano-service status
cardano-service stop

If you use Linux's htop service just check for a processing running starting with cardano-node run and use SIGINT to terminate the process.

Replace the old binaries and config files with the new ones

If you are using the Pi-Node guide and your cardano-node & cli in ~/.local/bin

>_ Terminal
mv cardano-1_34_1-aarch64-ubuntu_2004/cardano-node cardano-1_34_1-aarch64-ubuntu_2004/cardano-cli ~/.local/bin

Check your cardano-node version

>_ Terminal
cardano-node --version


>_ Terminal
cardano-node 1.34.1 - linux-aarch64 - ghc-8.10
git rev 2cbe363874d0261bc62f52185cf23ed492cf4859

Check your cardano-cli version

>_ Terminal
cardano-cli --version


>_ Terminal
cardano-cli 1.34.1 - linux-aarch64 - ghc-8.10
git rev 2cbe363874d0261bc62f52185cf23ed492cf4859

Replace the Cardano node configuration files


This step is not needed every time you update your node, typically you only need to update/replace config files after hard fork events when moving into new eras of the Cardano blockchain.

We have already downloaded the configuration files needed for the networks mainnet and testnet, now we just need to move them to our pool files directory.

>_ Terminal
mv cardano-1_34_1-aarch64-ubuntu_2004/files/mainnet/* ~/pi-pool/files

Download Database snapshot


Thanks to OTG pool for providing an up to date snapshot of the Cardano blockchain to help speed up sync times for a node dramatically.

>_ Terminal
cd $NODE_HOME && rm -rf db
wget -r -np -nH -R "index.html*" -e robots=off https://$

Restart the Cardano Node

Now we just need to restart our cardano-node service if you are using our Pi-Node guide use this command

>_ Terminal
cardano-service start

Wait a few seconds or so then check the status

>_ Terminal
cardano-service status